Monday, May 25, 2009

the end?

So, my year has ended. Last week was finals and this past weekend was saying goodbye. I'm having a hard time thinking about, reflecting on, and talking about the past week, and in many ways the past year. I hesitate to use superlatives, but the word that keeps popping up in my head is "transformative." And I think, in many ways, it was. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I know something's ending right now. I've been in a funk, then and now, with all the stress of finals (which were a breeze, mostly), the packing, the organizing, the farewells (ranging from casual to truly, truly heartbreaking), and the getting ready for Asia. 

Yes, I am leaving tonight (in a little over 6 hours) for Bangkok, where I will meet my brother and we will travel around southeast Asia for two weeks. Then I'm returning to Israel - for about 30 hours - to collect my stuff and head on home. So, yes, the year is ending. 

I'll try and post about my travels and adventures with David in Bangkok, Angkor Watt, and Vietnam. If not, I'll give a rundown upon my return to the US of A! 

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